相信任何药企都不会希望收到FDA发出的Warning Letter,德斯特团队的同事们根据以往的FDA检查经验及翻阅历年的FDA警告信总结出了以下的警告信重点内容供各位制药同仁参考,从FDA警告信的重点内容可以看出FDA检查过程中容易出现的缺陷,便于各位制药同仁在工作中避免出现同样的错误。
1.Quality control unit failed to exercise its responsibility to ensure drug products manufactured are in compliance with CGMP.
1.1.Quality Assurance (QA) and production departments failed to provide adequate oversight and ensure the reliability of data related to the quality of finished drug products manufactured at the facility. Visual inspectors manipulated particle and other defect counts on manual visual inspection records in many instances, in order to keep the finished product batches within rejection limits. More specifically, the investigation found that operators manipulated the defect quantities “to keep the category wise rejections within limits to avoid a deviation and investigation.”
质量保证 (QA) 和生产部门未能提供足够的监督,并确保与工厂生产的成品药质量相关的数据的可靠性。目视检查员在许多情况下在手动目视检查记录上操纵颗粒和其他缺陷计数,以将成品批次保持在剔除范围内。更具体地说,调查发现,运营商操纵了缺陷数量,“以将类别的剔除率保持在限制范围内,以避免偏差和调查。”
1.2.Some records, filled out by multiple operators, had an identical number of defects listed for all drug product defect categories.
1.3.Production managers including, but not limited to, front line supervisors failed to ensure reliable data, leading to significant data integrity deficiencies in your production records.
1.4.In addition, there was a lack of QA department review and oversight of visual inspection records. These findings indicated that QA department was not exercising its basic responsibilities including, but not limited to, oversight and control over the adequacy and reliability of all CGMP data at the facility.
此外,缺乏 QA 部门对目视检查记录的审查和监督。这些发现表明,质量保证部门没有履行其基本职责,包括但不限于监督和控制工厂中所有CGMP数据的充分性和可靠性。
1.5. In particular, lack a comprehensive review of the management of your operations, including but not limited to ineffective supervision and governance in your production department (i.e., encompassing frontline supervisors through top operations managers).
Recommended measure建议性措施:
A comprehensive assessment and remediation plan to ensure QA department is given the authority and resources to effectively function. The assessment should also include, but not be limited to:
1.5.1.A determination of whether procedures used by are robust and appropriate.
1.5.2.Provisions for QA oversight throughout your operations to evaluate adherence to appropriate practices.
1.5.3.A complete and final review of each batch and its related information before the QA disposition decision.
1.5.4.Oversight and approval of investigations and discharging of all other QA duties to ensure identity, strength, quality, and purity of all products.
1.5.5.Describe how supports QA and reliable operations, including but not limited to, timely provision of resources to proactively address emerging manufacturing/quality issues and to assure a continuing state of control.
1.5.6.A complete assessment of documentation systems used throughout your manufacturing and laboratory operations to determine where documentation practices are insufficient. Include a detailed CAPA plan that comprehensively remediates documentation practices to ensure retain contemporaneous, attributable, legible, complete, original, and accurate records throughout your operation.
1.5.7.Describe plans to prevent manipulation and enhance control of all CGMP records. Specifically, describe reconciliation and integrity improvements for all CGMP records that may be in loose form or otherwise vulnerable to manipulation. Based on an independent review by a qualified consultant, provide a gap analysis and specific CAPA measures will take to safeguard integrity of records (e.g., recording data in logbooks, pre-paginated documents, and validated electronic systems).
1.5.8.Corrective action and preventive action (CAPA) plan to implement routine, operations management oversight of facilities and equipment. This plan should include, at a minimum:
纠正措施和预防措施(CAPA)计划对设施和设备实施日常运营管理监督。该计划至少应包括: production management oversight that ensures prompt detection of equipment, facility, and process performance issues.
改进生产管理监督,确保及时发现设备、设施和过程性能问题。 upgrades to equipment and facilities.
及时升级设备和设施。 to appropriate preventive maintenance schedules.
遵守适当的预防性维护计划。 execution of repairs.
有效执行维修。 of appropriate resources, staffing, and competencies.
分配适当的资源、人员和能力。 qualified production supervisors and managers.
合格的生产主管和经理。 systems for ongoing management review.
改进了持续管理审查的系统。 provision(s) that appropriate actions are taken throughout the company network.
2.A thorough evaluation and risk assessment that addresses the suitability of equipment for its intended use. Include an evaluation whether equipment is of appropriate design and ongoing control and maintenance program is effective.
3.Failed to thoroughly investigate any unexplained discrepancy or failure of a batch or any of its components to meet any of its specifications.
3.1.Lacked investigations into visual inspection failures and non-viable particulates (NVP) exceeding your action levels.
3.2.There was no characterization of the particulates found in the batch to determine if they were intrinsic, extrinsic, or inherent to the product.
3.3.In addition, there was no documented breakage of vials in the filling batch record. Closed the investigation without identifying the root cause or identifying the source of the white or glass particles.
Recommended measure建议性措施:
3.3.1.It is important that any visible particulate contamination is appropriately evaluated and investigated. Visible particulates in injectable products should be avoided through appropriate preventive measures built into your design and production controls. When categorizing any visible particles, extrinsic or foreign matter should receive special attention, as it may indicate possible microbial contamination. Extrinsic or foreign particulate contamination should occur very infrequently, and be thoroughly investigated and appropriate CAPA implemented.
3.3.2.A comprehensive, independent assessment of your overall system for investigating deviations, discrepancies, complaints, out-of-specification (OOS) results, and failures. Provide a detailed action plan to remediate this system. Action plan should include, but not be limited to, significant improvements in investigation competencies, scope determination, root cause evaluation, CAPA effectiveness, quality assurance oversight, and written procedures.
对整个系统进行全面、独立的评估,以调查偏差、差异、投诉、不合格 (OOS) 结果和故障。提供详细的行动计划来修正此系统。行动计划应包括但不限于调查能力、范围确定、根本原因评估、CAPA 有效性、质量保证监督和书面程序的重大改进。
3.3.3.An independent, retrospective evaluation of all ISO 5 NVP deviations, root causes, and a relevant CAPA plan.
对所有 ISO 5 NVP 偏差、根本原因和相关 CAPA 计划进行独立的回顾性评估。
4.Failed to establish adequate written procedures for production and process controls designed .
4.1.Failed to provide adequate challenge test set vials
4.2.Quality unit personnel have not maintained a defect library for training purposes or reference.
4.3.Failed to adequately validate the manufacturing process for tablets.
4.4.The process validation study, and commercial manufacturing data, did not provide sufficient assurance of that process consistency is maintained throughout production batch operations.
Recommended measure建议性措施:
Comprehensive risk assessment of all contamination hazards with respect to aseptic processes, equipment, and facilities, including an independent assessment that includes, but is not limited to:
4.4.1.All personnel interactions within the ISO 5 area.
ISO 5区域内的所有人员互动。
4.4.2.Equipment placement and ergonomics.
4.4.3.Air quality in the ISO 5 area and surrounding room.
ISO 5区域和周围房间的空气质量。
4.4.4.Facility layout.
4.4.5.Personnel Flows and Material Flows (throughout all rooms used to conduct and support sterile operations).
4.4.6.A detailed remediation plan with timelines to address the findings of the contamination hazards risk assessment. Describe specific tangible improvements to be made to aseptic processing operation design and control.