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[GMP] EU公布印度DHANUKA药厂GMP检查失败信息
日期:1/31/2019 11:12:02 AM 访问:次浏览 作者:admin

公司名称:Dhanuka Laboratories Ltd.



受检地址:7 km, Old Manesar Road, Village Mohammedpur,Gurgaon, Haryana, 122 001, India


Nature of non-compliance : 不符合情况

This inspection was performed in theframework of the CEP dossier for the manufacture of Cefixime R1-CEP2003-014-Rev 02. The inspection identified in total 32 deficiencies against EUGMP. One of them was categorized as critical and related to the Company`s weakQuality Assurance System. Seven deficiencies were categorized as majordeficiencies and were related to: Quality Assurance (2), Buildings andfacilities, Documentation, Materials Management/Storage, Laboratory controls,Qualification.

检查是根据头孢克肟的CEP文档R1-CEP 2003-014-Rev 02执行的。检查中共发现32个违反EU GMP的缺陷。其中之一被列为关键,是关于公司薄弱的质量保证体系。7个缺陷被列为主要缺陷,是关于质量保证(2),建筑与设施、文件记录、物料管理/存贮、实验室控制、确认。

[Critical] The QA system implemented onsite, which related to the workshops that were engaged in the manufacture ofCefixime, was found to be weak and not capable of proper design, planning,implementation, maintenance and continuous improvement of a system that allowsthe consistent delivery of products with appropriate quality attributes. Theseobservations are accordingly identified in the relevant sections. The GMPviolations were considered as very severe and thus bearing a risk to eitherhuman or veterinary patients.


[Major] Due to a lack of control, a mix-upof CEP-grade batches of Cefixime with those derived by a different process –and their subsequent supply to EU customers – could not be excluded.


[Major] No release of individual batchestook place at the time of the inspection. That means that the requirements,such as batch production and batch analytical report review(s) were notconducted and the batches were further used for blending after testing.


[Major] A centrifugation area on thebasement of the intermediate building, the rooms hosting the fluid bed dryersas well as the dryers themselves were found as not in accordance with therequirements because a contamination of the products openly handled in thisarea could not be excluded.


[Major] Batch Production Records, EquipmentCleaning Records and Lot Making Production Records (BPR, ECR, LMPR) were issuedby printing the relevant document from a pdf-file. Core principles of themanagement of electronic documentation was found not considered (ordisregarded)


[Major] Several observations with regard tothe receipt, storage and dispensing of raw materials, key starting materials,intermediates and finished APIs were made and leading to the conclusion that anegative impact of the quality cannot be excluded.


[Major] Severe violations to EU GMP weremade with regard to the IPC laboratory and the analytical operations conductedin this lab.

【主要缺陷】IPC实验室和此实验室的分析操作严重违反EU GMP

[Major] Out of a list of 62 instruments(SMF), only four were fully qualified. A further five instruments had undergoneonly DQ, IQ and OQ steps NB: It must also be noted that the previous EDQMinspection categorized observations related to the qualification of equipmentas a major deficiency. The Company failed to implement the CAPA in a holisticway as it addressed only the equipment in question.




R1-CEP 2003-014-Rev02 Cefixime 头孢克肟

R0-CEP 2011-173-Rev00 Cefuroxime axetil头孢呋新酯


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